Crate wasm_ws

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  • An event holding information about how/why the connection was closed.
  • The meta data related to a websocket. Allows access to the methods on the WebSocket API. This is split from the Stream/Sink so you can pass the latter to a combinator whilst continuing to use this API.
  • A futures 0.3 Sink/Stream of WsMessage. Created with WsMeta::connect.
  • A wrapper around WsStream that converts errors into io::Error so that it can be used for io (like AsyncRead/AsyncWrite).


  • The error type for errors happening in ws_stream_wasm.
  • Represents a WebSocket Message, after converting from JavaScript type.
  • Indicates the state of a Websocket connection. The only state in which it’s valid to send and receive messages is WsState::Open.